“I know that in a small way our Hapkido Dojang is effecting a change for the betterment of our local community. Grandmaster Hong Sik Myung and the Hapkidowon mission, has the potential to effect that same type of change on a global level.”
“The clear instructions and wide range of techniques made it a great experience for all participants.
We would appreciate it very much to learn more about the authentic Hapkido techniques in the future.”
“I was touched by Grandmaster Myung's humility as he went around correcting the participants on their techniques, caring for them like a father to son. He is a firm instructor, wanting students to learn more, yet approachable in person.”
“Each aspect of the basic techniques was broken down into clearly defined steps that was easily followed and understood. When the students were broken down into groups to practice, Grandmaster and Master Roe made it a point to patiently supervise the groups making sure we were practicing correctly.”
“I loved the fact that you showed us the intricate details of each basic technique and made us repeat over and over again.
I also appreciate the fact that you and your masters continually critiqued our techniques.”
“…… seminar was intense, interesting and breath taking. The techniques were so well explained and shown by you and your staff.
It made my learning much easier and fun!”
“Grandmaster Hong Sik Myung's technical ability and knowledge surpasses anything I have ever experience but more importantly for me he has a philosophy he believes in and I am certain he wants the best for me as Martial Artist and that is very hard to find.”
“My expectation for Grandmaster Hong Sik Myung is very high. He is a gifted Artist, his capability in the Art is excellent, his dedication to the Art is well known, and he is a natural leader while he remains humble. I have no doubt his Hapkidowon will excel and become a cornerstone of the Art’s future growth......”
“합기도원의 無窮한 發展을 祈願합니다. I wish continuous success for Grandmaster Hong Sik Myung and his Hapkidowon.” by Grandmaster Suh, Bok Sub (also spelled Suh Bok Sup and Seo Bok Seob) who was the first student under Grandmaster Yong Sool Choi.